The seventh annual It’s in the Bag fundraiser is on Wednesday, January 22 at the Blue Goose
Soroptimist International (SI) of Loomis Basin is taking donations and selling tickets for the seventh annual It’s in the Bag designer purse event fundraiser on Wednesday, January 22, 2020 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Blue Goose Event Center in Loomis benefiting women’s education projects.

The club is seeking donations of designer purses and business sponsors, and is selling $40 event tickets; for more information contact Hebard Insurance Solutions at 916-652-0404 or drop by the Loomis Chamber of Commerce office at 6090 Horseshoe Bar Rd, Loomis. Soroptimist International of Loomis Basin ( is a 501(c)(3) organization and your donation may be tax deductible; consult your tax advisor.
Sponsorship levels start at the $1,500 Platinum level that includes promotion and a table for eight, to $1000 Gold, $500 Table and Swag Bag sponsors, explained event coordinator, Chris Hebard-Summers, Hebard Insurance Solutions. “If you have an unused designer purse sitting in your closet, now is the time to donate it to a good cause,” said Hebard. “Get your friends together to buy tickets and you’ll have a fun event to look forward in January.”
It’s in the Bag funds the Soroptimist International Dream It, Be It: Career Support for Girls project. The Loomis club delivers the several month program at Koinonia Foster Homes/Group Homes. Women in the club facilitate career exploration and confidence building sessions to help girls overcome obstacles and plan for their future success. Club members share their stories, encourage the girls and join them in interactive sessions to discover their strengths, interests and possible career paths.
The club also uses the funds raised to give the Live Your Dream award to women who are the primary support for their families and are pursuing additional education to improve their career prospects. Recipients are local women who have overcome enormous challenges such as poverty, domestic violence or drug and alcohol abuse. Recipients use the award for tuition, books and other costs associated with continuing their education.
Both individual and tables of tickets for It’s in the Bag on January 22 are available and include dinner, bottled water, table games and door prizes. Alcoholic beverages and purse raffle tickets will be sold separately. Attendees can purchase tickets and put their tickets in the basket for the designer purses they’d most like to win in the drawing.
SI Loomis Basin is part of a worldwide organization that supports education projects benefiting women and girls. The Loomis club provides grants to teachers, a high school scholarship and supports the Loomis Senior L.I.F.E. Center. The club is also involved in international projects such as sewing kits for Days for Girls International.
To learn more about the club, go to and find Soroptimist Loomis Basin on Facebook. The club meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month from 5:30 – 7 p.m. at the Loomis Training Deport at the corner of Horseshoe Bar and Taylor roads.
Soroptimist ( is an international volunteer service organization for business, professional and retired women who work to improve the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world. Soroptimist International of Loomis Basin ( is a 501(c)(3) organization.